Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine to Americans Mario R. Capecchi and Oliver Smithies along with Briton Sir Martin J. Evans
Nobel Prize in physics to France's Albert Fert and German Peter Gruenberg
Nobel Prize in chemistry to Gerhard Ertl of Germany
Nobel Prize in literature to Britain's Doris Lessing
Nobel Peace Prize to former U.S. Vice President Al Gore
The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Americans Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson
dats all very good...but sumthing's missing in dat list, isn't it?? INDIA!!
only 8 nobel laureates from india so far!! dats depressing n worrying..even netherlands has produced 18 nobel laureates, and austria 22!
indian people are intelligent , but then why? maybe no one gives a damn! somehow research has always taken a back seat in india. more so in the current "shining" india, with the 9.sumthing growth in economy. all people care about these days is either software or business.. yeah yeah, me too..dreamt of winning a nobel as a kid..wanted to become a scientist initially..then after a couple of years, literature caught my fancy..but wat am i doin now?? engineering in information technology and i also want to do an mba.. pity alfred nobel never thought of including a prize for entrepreneurship..
Alfred nobel

this is the remarkable man from whose idea it all started. The man who invented dynamite, and was called "a merchant of death", ironically it was he who set up this fund to award those "who conferred the greatest benefit on mankind" through their work. initially he intended the prize money(a whopping 10 million) to fund the scientists in their further research, but because of some (a li'l absurd) rules, they end up getting d prize after they've retired, or in a few cases after their death. so in most cases except of those like mr. Lawrence Bragg, (who won a nobel at just 25-the youngest nobel laureate), most of the prize money is given away in charity.
well, whatever..i just wish india would "arise, awake and stop not" until a few nobels are won!
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