remember that line in the movie 'rang de basanti' where sue calls india "a place where people are just looking for a cause to kill each other"? that kinda seems true. and ironically, we, who claim to be a secular nation, are always fighting over God!
in the past, it was the babri masjid issue, which led to a bloodshed of a magnitude that must've horrified and deeply saddened both Allah and Ram. now lord Ram's name has again been dragged into controversy with the 'Ram sethu' issue. Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project that aims to create a ship channel across the Palk Strait, would save 30 hrs of shipping time and thus decrease the shipping costs. however, this project could damage the ram sethu , or Adam's bridge, which is sacred for millions of Indians. according to the epic Ramayana, it was built by lord Rama himself with the help of his simian army.
though there have been many arguments about there being proof that the bridge is a natural formation, the bjp led Hindu public is up in arms for the protection of the bridge. and seriously, even though there could be benefits from the project, the sentiments of the people have to be considered. and the govt seems to be thinking about the same lines as can be seen by the congress party taking back the controversial affidavit.
and right after this, mr.karunanidhi went on to make those very irresponsible comments about lord rama. what made him do dat, i wonder, fully knowing what serious repercussions it would have. it led to an unprecedented fatwa released by the hindu community. well, what did he expect?
the protests continue. people fight. nobody knows what is going to happen.
so what will win? pragmatism, or people's faith?
raam jaane!
1 comment:
Its definately ppls faith that gonna win...
One can do nothing to ramsethu (or natural ) bridge..
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